© rimon lj-loc/www.rimon-ljloc.nl
125 Questions
These questions and answers are part of
the curriculum that Rimon- LJL has
developed for the Bar and Bat Mitzvah
classes at the Liberal Jewish
Communities (LJG).
‘de 100 vragen’
eindtermen bmklas
© rimon-ljloc/www.rimon-ljloc.nl
Translated into English by Nancy A. Novick
© rimon lj-loc/www.rimon-ljloc.nl
1. What is the most important core of Judaism?
2. What is Chumash?
3. What are the Five Books of Moses called in Hebre
4. What are the Five Books about?
5. What is a Sidra?
6. How many Sidrot are there?
7. How many Aliyot are there on Shabbat and how man
y are there on the
High Holidays?
8. What is the Haftorah?
9. What is the cupboard called where the Sifrei Tor
ah are kept?
10. What is the Torah-shebaal-peh?
11. What is the Torah-shebichtav?
12. What is Mishna?
13. What is Gemara?
14 .What is the Talmud?
15. Why is there a Talmud Bavli and a Talmud Yerush
16. What is Halacha?
17. What is the Midrash?
18. What is the Hebrew name for the “10 Commandment
19. Name the 10 Commandments (at least 8 of them).
20. On which days do we read from the Torah?
21. What is the Ba’al koreh/Ba’alat Kria?
22. What is the Maftir / Maftira?
23. When did we read – in public – from the Torah?
24. Why and with what do we dress the Torah?
25. What is Nevi’im?
26. What is Ketuvim?
27. What is Tenakh?
28. What is a Mitzva?
A. What does this mean? “There is no Torah without
the Jewish people
and there are no Jewish people without the Torah.”
B. How many aliyot are there on Rosh Chodesh? on Yo
m Kippur? at the
Micha service?
© rimon lj-loc/www.rimon-ljloc.nl
29. What is Rosh Chodesh?
30. Why do our holidays occur on different dates ev
ery year?
31. What is Rosh Hashana?
32. State 3 different names for Rosh Hashana?
33. When is the shofar blown?
34. What are the shofar tones called?
35. What are the Selichot days?
36. What are the Aseret Yemei Teshuva?
37. What is Yom Kippur?
38. What is the name of the evening that Yom Kippur
39. What is the name of the third holiday in the mo
nth of Tishri and what
do we do then?
40. What are the four plant species that we use dur
ing Sukkot and what
do we do with them?
41. What is Simcha Torah?
42. What is Chanukah?
43. What is Purim?
44. What is Pesach?
45. What is on the seder plate and what do these it
ems symbolize?
46. What is chametz and what is matza?
47. What is Counting of the Omer (Sefirat Ha’Omer)?
48. What is Yom Hashoa?
49. What is Yom Ha’atsmayut?
50. What is Lag Ba’Omer?
51. What is Shavuot?
52. What is Tisha B’Av?
53. What are the Shalosh Regalim?
54. What are the Yamim Nora’im?
C. Name the five Megilot and state on which holiday
s they are read.
D. Which Book of Prophets do we read during the Min
cha service on Yom
What is the Torah portion on Rosh Hashana?
© rimon lj-loc/www.rimon-ljloc.nl
55. What is the tabernacle? (Mishkan)
56. What was the most important part of the service
in the Mishkan and
later in the temple?
57. What replaced the sacrifice?
58. Why does the Ner Tamid (eternal light) burn in
the synagogue?
59. What is there in every synagogue?
60. What are the two most important parts of the se
61. How many times a day do you have to say (and ar
e you allowed to
say) these parts?
62.What is the Amida and how many brachot are in th
e Amida?
63. Which 3 kinds of brachot are there in the Amida
64. Name at least 2 other kinds of brachot.
65. How is the Shema structured in the evening and
in the morning?
66. How is the Friday evening service structured?
67. How is the Shabbat morning service structured?
68. What is Kaddish?
69. What is the prayer book called that we use for
Shabbat and days of
the week?
70. What is a Machzor?
71. What is a Drashah?
72. What is a Minyan?
73. What is a Aliyah?
74. Who is often first called up in the synagogue a
nd who is then called up
as second?
75. What are the three services of a day called?
76. Why does the Shabbat morning service begin with
Adon Olam?
E. What is Kavanah?
F. How many brachot are in an Amida on Shabbat? on
Yom Kippur?
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